Can the People audit their own elections?
Rhode Island’s General Elections have had major constitutional issues that disenfranchised all legal electors.

Executive Abuse of Power
Governor Gina Raimondo used executive orders citing military statutes to modify election processes – a legislative act. This violates separation of powers.

Unconstitutional Expansion of Election Day
The Rhode Island General Assembly legally altered “emergency” absentee voting into in-person multi-day town hall polls. However, a 1957 RI Supreme Court ruling not only found that early voting was problematic, they changed the results of the 1956 election based on that finding.

Curbside Voting
Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea greatly favored a particular manner of voting by offering mail ballot drop boxes, without necessary security and chain of custody. This article is currently being written and will be posted upon completion.

Neglected defending RI laws
Rhode Island’s top legal enforcement officer looked the other way when it came to upholding the RI Constitution and RI statutes. Even SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer implicated Neronha in a federal decision on mail ballot witnesses. Note – this article is currently being written and will be fully posted upon completion.
‘‘…the basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and alter their constitutions of government; but that the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.’’
Washington’s “sacred obligation” indicates that none of us are above the law, nor can individual elected officials violate the law even when there’s an “emergency.” Governor Gina Raimondo’s direct citation and use of a military statute to make modifications to election law demands an answer from all elected officials. Individual violations are disturbing enough, but taken collectively, it becomes far more alarming.
Join us in our united fight for election integrity!
As Rhode Island citizens we have every right to oversee our own governance. And the Rhode Island Constitution as a document has a solid enumeration of individual rights and places our voting rights before the institution of our government. This means We, the People, have more standing than any elected or appointed official.
We need to ensure elections are authentic and verifiable. However we must do this by truly representing all Rhode Islanders.